
Diane Rosen Interiors

Interior Design / Current Work / Featured

For years, Diane Rosen Interiors has transformed the personal living spaces of her clients’ homes. And recently she asked Rob Petrovich Marketing to help her with the most important space of all—securing a spot for her business inside the prospect’s mind.

If you’ve ever flipped through any design magazines, you’ll notice pretty quickly that a lot of the content looks the same. It becomes hard to tell if what you’re looking at is advertising for, say, a trendy new dining set, a modern throw rug, or the look of the room itself. So, in order to stand out and limit any possible confusion, the “Interior/Design” campaign was created.

Showing people what their homes’ living spaces can be is a very powerful tool, while at the same time, letting them see actual examples of Diane’s capabilities become more effective than telling. It’s a simple Idea, but one that is also clear, focused and fun. And just like good design, when you move past the pleasing aesthetic, it fulfills its purpose—beautifully.

It says ‘before & after’ without actually saying ‘before & after.’ Very cool.